
Trillium EN

Trillium SA

Flexible, innovative and efficient investment solutions – supported by thorough analysis, conviction-based management and careful risk monitoring.


Welcome to Trillium SA

As the Asset Management division of the Citadel Finance group, Trillium manages and markets a diversified range of high-performance investment funds. Bonds, Equities, Multi-Asset or Alternatives, our Manavest range brings you proven and flexible investment solutions.

While asset management is now our core activity, the wealth manager gene of our 2002 debuts in Geneva remains very much present in our DNA. We measure how important it is to understand investors’ expectations and to be able to combine capital preservation, performance and risk management.

We consider independence, integrity and transparency to be key values. The Asset Manager accreditation by FINMA was granted to Trillium in 2010, authorising the management and offer of funds under Swiss and Luxembourg laws, speaks of the quality of our structure. We are in fact one of the few such accredited companies in French-speaking Switzerland to focus on collective management.


What differentiates us

in numbers

Whether under managed in-house or delegated management, the Manavest range of Funds continues to expand and assets to grow.


Asset classes


investment approach

We exercise an active and conviction-based management. Our investment decisions are supported by thorough analysis, both at the company level and in terms of the economic and geopolitical environment – alongside permanent risk monitoring.

More specifically, our stock selection process involves 4 distinct steps:

1. Quantitative screening,
2. Fundamental analysis,
3. Technical analysis,
4. Degree of conviction (over/underweight).

The members of our fund management team, whether generalists or specialists, have extensive investment experience in international equities, alternatives and multi-asset products.

Delegated management

Trillium intends not to limit its offering to internally managed products. Since obtaining the Asset Manager accreditation by FINMA in 2010, we have sought to expand our range of funds by enlisting high quality external managers, with recognised skills and a strong performance record in their respective fields. Our goal is to put their niches of expertise at the service of the Manavest umbrella, that is to offer our investors the opportunity to access high-calibre specialised managers.

In order to carefully select these managers, we rely on a number of filters – notably gauging their ability to sustainably generate higher medium-term returns. We then clearly define the investment guidelines for each manager/fund and, with all the necessary diligence, keep close watch of realised performances and risk.

Risk control

The generation of performance over time requires management discipline and permanent risk control – capabilities that are attested by our Asset Manager accreditation by FINMA.

In addition to diversifying investments and defining a risk budget, we pay careful attention to the volatility of our funds so as to optimise their risk/return profile.

The Manavest range



The Manavest range includes two bond funds, investing respectively in sovereign debt and in corporate bonds, on a global scale.

The Manavest Global Total Return Bonds fund is run by Jupiter Asset Management, through a dynamic portfolio management, adapting it to the macro environment. The objective of the fund is to maximize total return consistent with preservation of capital and prudent investment management.

As for the Manavest Global Sustainable Credit fund, it has been delegated to Pictet Asset Management, whose bond expertise is widely recognised. The investment manager considers ESG factors a core element of the fund’s strategy and seeks to invest primarily in corporate bonds that contribute to an environmental and social objective and also observe good governance practices.


Most of our equity funds are managed internally by the Trillium team and cover the following markets:

Switzerland: Manavest Swiss Equity,
Europe: Manavest Europe Selection Equity,
US: Manavest US Blended Plus Equity,
Emerging: Manavest Emerging Markets Equity.

The Manavest US Flexible Equity fund, managed by Brown Advisory (Baltimore), is characterised by its focus on quality, in both the growth and value space.

As for the Manavest Europe Evolution Equity fund, we have entrusted it to it to Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG, given their performance on European equities, whatever their capitalisation.


The Manavest Global Balanced fund, managed in-house, provides an even greater degree of diversification by combining several asset classes and management styles. The range in both the types of investments (direct lines, gold, currencies, etc.) and their weighting is very broad, allowing the manager to implement true and strong convictions.


For those seeking absolute performance, our offering includes the Manavest Multistrategy Equity fund, delegated to UBP. This fund not only benefits from its manager’s recognised experience in the field of alternative investments, but is also in UCITS format, ensuring good governance, risk control, transparency and liquidity.

For qualified investors, Trillium also manages Manavest_SIF Equity Hedge, a non-UCITS fund of hedge funds. By combining different alternative strategies, this fund likewise aims to deliver an absolute return.

Our team


Marc Amyot

Executive Director

Founder of Trillium in 2002, Marc Amyot has since served as its managing director and CEO. In addition to his executive functions, he is a member of the Investment Committee and a fund manager. Before founding Trillium, Marc worked for major banking institutions and has more than 25 years of investment experience.

A specialist in tactical asset allocation and market arbitrage, Marc graduated from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. For over 5 years, he served on the executive board of the self-regulatory body of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers (SAAM), as well as the SAAM’s committee for French-speaking Switzerland.

Jacques Fournier

Administrative and Financial Director

Member of Trillium’s executive team, Jacques Fournier worked for more than 25 years in financial and prudential auditing, as well as advising banks, collective investment managers and other financial institutions. Prior to joining Trillium, he was partner in audit firms and CEO of an international fiduciary with 80 employees in Switzerland.

Jacques is a federally certified Chartered Accountant and holds a Master’s degree in Economics / Business Management.

Claude Messulam

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Claude Messulam brings to Trillium’s Board of Directors his extensive experience in auditing and banking. For more than 20 years, he was CEO and Chairman of the Management Committee of Banque Edmond de Rothschild in Geneva.

Claude is a federally certified Chartered Accountant, member of the Swiss Chamber of Chartered Accountants and the Geneva Order of the Chambre Fiduciaire.

Pascal Roduit

Member of the Board of Directors

Pascal Roduit is the managing director of Citadel Finance SA. Trained at Credit Suisse, he held various positions over a period of 10 years in that group’s management in Geneva and Zurich, within the central accounting department.

Gianluca Castrilli, CFA

Fund Manager

Prior to joining Trillium’s fund management team, Gianluca Castrilli was Chief Investment Officer, fund analyst and investment advisor at Citadel Finance. He was also in charge of implementing asset allocation. Previously, he developed his fund analysis expertise at Bank Syz & Co, where he was responsible for selecting managers and monitoring management delegation of several Oyster funds.

Gianluca holds a Master’s degree in Finance from the University of Geneva.

Aman Kamel

Fund Manager

Aman Kamel joined the Trillium portfolio management team in 2022. Previously, he spent over 13 years as an analyst and fund manager in the Swiss and US markets at BCGE for the Synchrony range.

Aman holds a diploma in asset management and a certification in sustainable finance from the Institut Supérieur de Formation Bancaire (ISFB).

Fernando Piechottka

Financial analyst

Fernando Piechottka joined the Trillium fund management team in January 2019, having begun his career at Citadel Finance in the portfolio management department.

Fernando holds a Master’s degree in Finance from HEC Lausanne.

Christina Riva

Risk Management and Compliance Officer

Christina Riva is responsible for risk management and compliance. A more than 25-year veteran of the financial industry, she previously worked for a Swiss bank and then an international financial group, where she headed risk management and internal control.

Christina holds a degree in Economics from the University of Geneva.


Our Partners

Trillium skillfully combines internal and delegated management. By putting together the expertise of our own fund managers and those of carefully selected partners, we bring both innovation and quality to our investors.


Get in touch

Our office in Geneva

  • 75-77, Avenue de Champel
  • 1211 Genève 12
  • +41 22 318 8440

Through Social networks

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